00:00 (zero o'clock)

asking for support (aka money)

so i've been crocheting a LOT and i'm definitely getting better.
a lot of my friends tell me i should sell my products and that seems really fun but i'm not really looking to run a whole small business (at least right now).
i think i'd be comfortable with just selling to friends and friends of friends.
but.. how do you even start?
i have a lot of things that i want to make for my friends and i've already made things for them but how do i say that i'm selling things as well?
i just feel kind of weird asking my friends to buy things from me i guess.
and i'm also scared that even if i post about this on my instagram or whatever no one is going to buy anything lol.
no one would know that no one bought anything except me but i think i'd still feel embarrassed.

i also think my low self-esteem comes into play here, where i also kind of think that the things i make aren't deserving of money.
i've been saying "when i get better i'll start selling," but even when i get better i don't think i'll be comfortable asking people to pay for my products.

is this a normal sentiment? how do other people feel about this sort of thing? i also have a ko-fi set up on my blog for donations, but even that feels kind of "wrong" to me because i don't feel like i provide a service worthy of being paid for.
but i guess maybe in the case of donations it's not really about paying for a service, but about supporting someone.

sometimes i wish i wasn't so fearful of everything.
i'm always scared of the consequences so i rarely make a move without the guarantee of a positive result.
but right now i'm still unemployed (except my part time job i guess), depressed, anxious, and buying yarn aka losing money without making any of it back.
so how do you go about asking your friends to buy your stuff?

#crocheting #friends #money #thoughts